SVM - Electromechanical Component
Linear Electromagnetic Solenoid Actuators
In all Electromechanical Devices, mechanical motion must occur, either translational or rotational and this motion is reflected into the electric system as a change of flux linkages in the case of an Electromagnetics System. An actuator can be defined as an energy converter which transforms energy from an external source into mechanical energy in a controllable way. The relevant output quantities to be considered in the optimization are the force, the work and the stroke. The input quantities are provided by a control system which lead output quantities to the referenced values. Such quantities are ruled by the mechanical load system or structure, which defines the relationship between the force and the stroke. The integration of actuators and loads in a mechatronic or adaptronic system allows the conception of a unique system. An actuator is typically a motor that throws a switch or performs some other brief task from time to time. The Electromagnetic Plunger is used for tripping current breakers and various types of relays and valves. A movable plunger is driven by an electromagnet.
Model in Matlab
The Designer will propose a design with a first sketch of the actuator geometry as per Actuator Design Procedure and Methodology. The Actuator designer will decide whether the obtained actuator performance is optimum or not and may change the actuator class or geometry and start the procedure again. The procedure can be repeated until it becomes clear that the best actuator has been designed for the given application based on Magnetic, Electric and Thermal Analysis and based on a dynamic network model with characteristic diagrams of the magnetic force and the magnetic flux linkage computed from a static Matlab and finite-element model Simulations.